Girl Scouts is packed with exciting memories for girls and volunteers. "I will never forget the time during outdoor training we put a log on the fire and it was a nest for mice and baby mice ran everywhere," Amy said. "As another leader pulled the mouse-house log out of the, saving the baby mice, one ran up her pant leg!"
Amy also has fond memories from the time she spent as a Girl Scout as a girl. "I had to change into my Girl Scout uniform because we were leaving school early for something special and Girl Scout related," she recalled. "I was a Cadette in sixth or seventh grade and I was afraid I would be teased about my uniform, but instead I ended up answering a bunch of questions about my badges and awards. I was very proud of my accomplishments in Girl Scouts."
Amy's time in Girl Scouts has led her to be an amazing volunteer to girls today. She hopes that she can "give girls an opportunity to experience something they might not try otherwise." Thank you Amy for your dedication to Girl Scouts!

"I have been given the amazing ability to work with girls from all troops on their higher awards. I also love all my little Daisy and Brownie girls in our troops!"
When asked to describe a moment she has had with Girl Scouts that she'll never forget, Denise said, "I think the first time one of the girls came up to me outside of Girl Scouts and gave me a big bear hug in front of all of her school friends."
Denise wants her Girl Scouts to "act like proper ladies and stay willing to try new and exciting things, and to respect others always." Thanks Denise! We appreciate all of your work with your troop!
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