A year filled with exciting adventures for girls starts with one day, one meeting, and one role model that shows them they can accomplish more than they ever imagined.
For ten-year-old Kristianna Shearer, that role model is her older sister, Kimberly McCullough.
McCullough, 24 was a Girl Scout from third grade through her high school graduation. She has fond memories of fun adventures to new places.
“We traveled a lot,” McCullough recalled.
Through Girl Scouts she traveled to Canada and New York, but her favorite trip was a visit to Ace Adventure Park in West Virginia.
“That was the best trip ever,” she said.
To ensure that her younger sister had the same opportunities through Girl Scouts, McCullough signed on as an assistant leader for her troop.
“I had a blast in Girl Scouts,” she said. “I wanted the same for her.”