Please follow the instructions below to register today.
If you run into any issues registering on or after Oct. 1, we're always here to help. Just email customercare@gswpa.org or call 800-248-3355 and we'll help you through the process.
How do I renew? Renewing is super easy! But just in case you need help, here are some instructions:
- Visit gswpa.org and click on the yellow 'MyGS' button in the top right corner of the screen. Log in with your username and password (Your username should be your email address; if you forget your password you can have it reset).
- Click on "Member Community" and then choose a renewal option: To renew more than one person in your family, use the "Family Renewal" tab. To renew just yourself or a girl, use either "Adult Renewal" or "Girl Renewal."
- On the Renewal pages, you should see the Girl Scout members in your family/troop and all the troops/roles they are assigned to. If anything is missing, email customercare@gswpa.org or fill out the Contact Us form on our website to let us know what troops/roles are missing.
- Click the "Renew" button on the memberships you'd like to renew, or click "Do Not Renew" for any troops/roles you will not be continuing in. Press Continue.
- Continue through the process, which will ask you to pick a membership, fill out some personal information, and pay for your membership.
Troop Leaders: After Sept. 30, only parents can renew girls in your troop.
All other volunteers (& parents too): You can also renew both your own and other family members through the Member Community. If you're just renewing one person, choose Adult or Girl renewal. You can choose to return to the same volunteer position or troop--or choose other ways to participate. Want to renew your whole family at once? Choose the Family Renewal option and pay with only one transaction! Simply choose the family members for membership and follow the instructions to complete payment.
In Individual and Family renewal, you can update your contact info so we can easily stay in touch. Even lifetime members can check their contact info each year even though purchasing a membership isn't needed.
Need more help? Download our Online Registration Instructions.