The volunteers of GSWPA are the reason that girls in western Pennsylvania are benefiting from the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Your time, commitment, and energy are deeply valued. Thank you so much!
Darlene Beatty
Indiana County
2019 Honor Pin Recipient
In addition to leading two troops, Darlene serves as her SU Cookie Manager, A multi-SU Day Camp Director, Outdoor Skills trainer, a CAT team member and part of the SU Program team. Some of her planned programs were so popular, that she also offered them in Pittsburgh. In these roles, she provides critical service to her service unit, support to leaders throughout region 3 - and dynamic programming to a wide geographical area of girls.
Kimberly McCullough
Indiana County
2019 Appreciation Pin Recipient
Kimberly is the troop leader to her sister's troop and helps plan programs in the Su area, and is the co-director of the DU Day Camp, all of which is opened up to girls in nearby SUs.