Monday, December 26, 2016

Digital Cookie superpowers sales!

Is your daughter participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program this year?

Now there's one more way to superpower her sale—by adding online selling with the Digital Cookie platform. 

She can reach friends and family, near and far, to grow her sale. And she can participate at her convenience, based on her schedule and availability, all from the comfort of your living room. How cool is that?

Girl Scout Avery Schaeffer and her mom Chrissy love the convenience of using Digital Cookie to reach out-of-town family. The Schaeffers have lived in western Pennsylvania for only 10 years.

"All of our family is either in eastern Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Florida, or California," Chrissy said. "Avery loves to sell to her family, but it’s challenging to actually get the cookies there. We were excited when Digital Cookie started."

Avery agrees that staying close with her favorite cookie customers is a whole lot easier thanks to the online platform. "I like to use Digital Cookie because my family who doesn’t live around me can still support my troop’s goals.”

Did you know? Girl Scouts who pair Digital Cookie with traditional sales sold 76% more cookies than girls who did not sell cookies online! Sweet!

Ready to jump in? 

Check your email for registration details and instructions. Getting your Girl Scout started on Digital Cookie is super simple, with just four easy steps! She'll register, set up her site, invite customers, and track her goals. That's it!

Check out these Four Easy Steps to Get Movin' with the Digital Cookie Platform!

No registration email? Whether you didn't get one or deleted it by accident, never fear! Just go to digitalcookie.girlscouts.orgenter the email address you used to register your Girl Scout and click ‘Forgot password/Need a registration email.’ then work with your Girl Scout to set up her page, play some cookie games and start inviting customers to purchase cookies and have them shipped to their door. 

Please note: Digital Cookie is not supported in Internet Explorer. Please use another web browser to access the site.