Thursday, April 4, 2019

Girl Scout Volunteers Lead On: Joan Emanuel & Roxanne Tuinstra

No mask or cape needed: Girl Scout volunteers are the REAL superheroes! Every single day, they’re making an impact and inspiring girls to dream BIG.

We are truly grateful for each GSWPA volunteer—for the time, energy, and resources they commit to delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to local Girl Scouts. Thank you!

Joan Emanuel

Fayette County
2019 Thanks I Badge Recipient

As a council trainer, Joan has provided leaders the tools and resources they need to succeed in their troops and at camp. As a Council and National Delegate, she provides girl and adult voice to all governance matters. She is a visible and well-known Girl Scout in the her community, as well as throughout GSWPA. She was recently awarded the ATHENA award for her success in impacting girls' lives.

Roxanne Tuinstra

Cambria County
2019 Appreciation Pin Recipient

Roxanne is a dedicated member of her SU team, panning reruitment events and program events that provide amazing opportinuties to girls and volunteers alike. She steppped up t lead a troop when no other leader could be found - a troop that now serves girls K-4 that would not otherwise have this opportunity.